Puritan Bennett 7200 Ventilator

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$3,850.00 (Call for shipping)


Item Number:          160707



The Puritan Bennett 7200 respiratory ventilator has an advanced micro-processor design that offers CMV, assist/control, SIMV, CPAP, PEEP, and sigh controls. This critical care ventilator has a built-in nebulizer, air/oxygen blender, and variable pressure waveforms. Data is clear on the digital display and easy to input with the keyboard control. The Puritan Bennett 7200 and 7200AE are available refurbished from DRE.

State-of-the-art gas delivery system.
Demonstrated track record of reliability
Full-featured microprocessor-controlled ventilator with 7202 display screen.
Gas delivery features - Flow-by, Pressure Support, Pressure Control Ventilation
Patient monitoring features - Graphics 2.0, Respiratory Mechanics, Auto-PEEP
Communications features - RS-232, Digital Communications Interface (DCI 2.0)
Optional 7250 Metabolic Monitor
Integrated safety systems
Optional humidifier is available with this unit.

Ventilator Dimensions: 16.5" (H) x 22.5" (D) x 22" (W) | (cm) 41.9 (H) x 57.2 (D) x 55.9 (W)
Ventilator Weight: 112 lbs | 50.8 kg
Operator Selected Parameters:

Tidal Volume: .1 to 2.5 liters
Respiratory Rate: .5 to 70 bpm
Max Peak Inspiratory Flow: 120 Ipm during mandatory breather; 180 Ipm during spontaneous breathing.
Sensitivity Inspiratory: .5 to 20 cmH2O bellow PEEP
Oxygen Percentage: 21% to 100%
Plateau: 0 to 2 seconds
PEEP / CPAP: .1 to 2.5 liters, not to exceed twice tidal volume
Sigh Rate and Frequency: 1 to 15 sighs per hour; 1 to 3 sighs per event.
Operator Selected Alarm Thresholds:

High Airway Pressure: 10 to 120 cmH2O
Low Airway Pressure: 3 to 99 cmH2O
PEEP / CPAP Pressure: 0 to 45 cmH2O
Exhaled Tidal Volume: 0 to 2.5 liters
Low Exhaled Minute Volume: 0 to 60 liters
High Respiratory Rate: 0 to 70 bpm
Sigh High Airway Pressure: 10 to 120 cmH2O, not to exceed twice high airway pressure.
Ventilatory Modes: Operator selectable. Continuous Manditory Ventilation (CMV). Synchronous Intermittent Mandatory Ventilation (SIMV). Continuous Positive airway Pressure (CPAP).
Inspiratory Flow Waveforms: Square, descending ramp, or sine.

Alarm Control Functions:

Alarm Silence: silences alarm for 2 minutes.
Alarm Reset: resets ventilator to pre-alarm state of alert.
Parameters Display: Airway pressure; exhaled volume; type of breath: assist, spontaneous, sigh, and plateau; mean airway pressure; peak airway pressure; PEEP/CPAP pressure; plateau pressure; respiratory rate; I:E ratio; tidal volume; minute volume; and spontaneous minute volume.

Item Number 160707
Length 22.5 in
Width 22 in
Height 16.5 in
Dimensions (inches) (LxWxH) 22.5x22x16.5
Product Weight 112 lbs

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